Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ask Dr. BKW: How to provide evidence of data driven instruction throughout the classroom?

A teacher is having a difficult time providing evidence from the initial assessment tool(s) used at the children’s entry date how data is taken to plan individual and/or small group activities according to domain skill level(s).  Here are some helpful tips that will assist in the process to show and plan cultural developmentally age appropriate activities to monitor children’s growth.

1.       After completing the required assessment tool(s) chart the domain skills that the child needs to work on throughout the school year (mid- term and long-term goals).  NOTE:  create an individualized goal sheet to record progress;

2.       When writing the lesson plan review the class list with co-teacher to determine which day(s) specifically will be given to children to work on specific skills from their individualized goal sheet.  Record the children’s code (e.g., initials, symbols) with specific activities to work it.  It is suggested to have related study them activities for them, if possible;

3.       As the children are engaging in specific skills record observational notes that will be transferred to their individualized goal sheet determining whether mastered or modifications need to be put in place.  Remember, engage parents in the conversation of activities they can do at home with progression notes and/or conversation.  It is a team effect to provide the best quality education; and,

4.       Place in children’s portfolio the individualized goal sheet with artifacts showing date(s) and dictation, if possible. 

Following these steps and make modifications to them for your classroom to ensure that assessment tool(s) data is being used to drive your planning of culturally developmentally age appropriate activities and you have documentation.  As you use the assessment tool(s) data it will enhance the planning skill levels to show progression or review levels of activities planned.  If you have helpful tips, please share because knowledge is powerful.

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