Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bullying and preschool age children

Walking into a preschool class and observe one child in the beginning acts of bullying another child to obtain materials wanted and achieved goal.  Before leaving the classroom, engaged in conversation with teacher if had recorded these actions and what was being done to combat future acts.

Initially, bullying acts are thought to occur in children grades late elementary to high school.  Believe it or not but bullying has become a common behavior teachers, parents and other adults are having to deal with as part of their social and emotional skill development for age appropriate acts.  Bullying is not only physical acts as punching, kicking but in the form of social rejection as refusing to collaborative play with another child or verbal say hurting words.  In other words, the child enjoys seeing fellow classmates hurt through physical and verbal means. 

Here are some signs that you child may be being bullied if (1) does not want to go to school, (2) very clingy when you drop him/her off at school, (3) withdrawn or showing signs of depression, (4) unexplained injuries and (5) unusual events out of character of your child.  The YouTube click “Effects of bullying in preschool”  shows a child not wanting to go back to school because of being bullied. 

Parents’ communication is the key if you feel your child is being bullied and not understanding what is happening at school.  Visit your local library and check-out age appropriate books on the subject “bullying”.  As you talk with your child stay calm and let him/her know you are supportive during this time.  Engage in conversation with the teacher and work together as a team to eliminate the situation including skills for the child to use.  The teacher can plan lessons and activities to address the situation.  Remember, you can visit the classroom at any time to observe for yourself what is happening and methods to resolve situations.  If there is no change in the situation after a couple of weeks you may consider moving your child to another classroom or site.  Check-out “Bully Prevention in Preschool and Kindergarten with Holly Pederson of Parents” YouTube click at  to help children learn to manage and express their emotions.

We must stop acts of bullying and if not studies show the children are likely to do drugs and alcohol, abuse their spouses, get into criminal activities and so much more.  Let us offer children a positive productive future. 

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