Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Working with dual language learners - preschool children

It is projected by 2030, children’s home language will increase other than English (US Census Bureau).  Therefore, teachers must be better prepared to the teach children of diverse language and ethnicities ensuring all receive culturally developmentally age appropriate practice.  Dual language learners (DLL) children must be supported and encouraged at this age as the crucial beginning of their life long success in a global society.
Here are some helpful suggestions in preparing for DLLs.

     Have documents written in family native language (www.googletranslate.com).  If you are not proficient in home spoken language try to secure a translator who will assist during parent-teacher conferences and other meeting times.

     Review the learning environment to see if there are reflections of all ethnicities being represented along with others not in the class (e.g., words/phrases written in multiple languages, posters, books, materials, artifacts).

     Curriculum lesson planning includes accurate information representing DLLs (e.g., amigos [friends], songs/music in multiple languages, center activities).

Utilize community resources (e.g., parents, librarians) to come on-site and share information or fieldtrip to their site. 
In addition, this YouTube clip “0 to 5 in 30 minutes – Ready to Learn – DLL” (5:11) will assist you in thinking about working with DLL children and activities to make the learning environment for all. The learning environment is so rich having children of various ethnicities is enrichment to learning in cultivating global sensibilities.


  1. Not sure why I have the unusual symbols to writings next to "Curriculum" and "Utilize" but information is valuable.

  2. I met with a friend/colleague today and we were discussing DLL as one of our many conversations. While traveling to my next destination I reflected on the richness we gain from DLL students and their families. Please remember the poem written by Maya Angelou "We are Family" with the line in particular "we are more alike than we are unlike". Education is the key and powerful to expose all to the global society we live in to be better humans.
