Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Early Learning Day of Action - June 5th

States are in the process of adopting 2013 – 2014 budgets with one key component being hit the hardest that is early childhood education.  When you hear and read the words early childhood education it is referring children ages 0-8 years.  One way to bring awareness to the importance of early learning is looking into different activities to involve your community in for “Early learning day of action” that will be held June 5th.  The purpose is to generate as many press-worthy attention activities that will start and continue the conversation on early learning and the impact toward being productive citizens of the future.  Such events can be visiting child care centers and preschool programs to make parents aware of their role to inform other people, set up press conferences sharing key points to education, rallies, and others that will bring awareness to business community with community at-large.

Here are some key talking points you can share.

1.      The President’s plan calls for significant new investments in early learning.  It will (a) expand high-quality prekindergarten to all four-year-olds, starting with children from low- and moderate-income families, through state-federal partnerships, (b) expand high-quality early learning opportunities for children from birth through age three by increasing investments in Early Head Start and child care programs that meet high standards and (c) expand voluntary home visiting programs that support parents with young children.

2.      The research is clear – the first years of a child’s life are critical for their development.  Children who have high-quality prekindergarten experiences are more likely to do well in school and find better jobs.

3.      Too many children are left behind before they even start kindergarten.  Without the chance for a high-quality early childhood experience, hundreds of thousands of children come to kindergarten behind their peers.

4.      All parents deserve the chance to send their children to a high-quality prekindergarten program.  

An investment in early childhood education is crucial for all our children, our families and our nation.  It is time to invest in our children from the start and ensure everyone understand the goal of “Early Learning Day of Action” to keep it going after June 5th.  Let your voice be heard!


  1. I am in the process to send a letter to local newspaper editors for publication. Hopefully, they will publish to bring continued support for this issues.


  2. Contact HHS Appropriations Committee Members Today!

    The House Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee is likely to make its recommendations on early childhood education by this Friday May 31st. Now is the time to let them know how important early childhood education is to North Carolina's children, families, and communities.

    Contact Committee members and urge them to reject the Senate's early childhood education budget and special provisions for Smart Start and NC Pre-K and adopt Governor McCrory's early education budget.

    Here are the Committee members:

    Chairs: Rep. Avila, Rep. Brisson, Rep. Hollo

    Vice Chairman: Rep. Lambeth, Rep. Martin, Rep. Murry

    Members: Rep Earle, Rep. Farmer-Butterfield, Rep. Ford, Rep. Fulghum, Rep Insko

    Take action today! Join the NC Child Care Coalition's Action Center and send your own message directly to your legislator. Visit www.capwiz.com/ncchildren to receive regular updates and alerts about early childhood education in North Carolina.
