Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Urgency to contact House representatives - NC budget

Education is a key component for all citizens and North Carolinians to ensure our future workforce will be prepared for global employment.  The current proposed Senate’s budget on early childhood education will reverse the nation and international acclaims noted for innovative programs for low-income to moderate-income children and their families. 

The Senate budget proposed for early childhood education would cut NC Pre-K services, reduce quality and destroy Smart Start.  Here are more details on some proposed changes.

1.      Cut NC pre-k by $12.4 M which would reduce 2,500 slots for 2013-2014 and $24.9 M which would reduce slots for 5,000 children 20114-2015.  These funds would be transferred to Child Care Subsidy program.

2.      Transfer 42% of the total Smart Start budget ($62.5M) from childcare subsidies and scholarships to local Department Social Services (DSS) agencies.  This will divert funds designed for young children ages 0-5 to 0-13.

3.      A shift of $900,000 in funding for regulatory positions to CCDF block grant.  It should be noted that these funds would have likely gone to childcare quality improvement.

We are all stakeholders to ensure our children are given high-quality education and there is a small window to have your VOICE heard on the proposed Senate budget for early childhood education.  Contact your district House representatives and let your VOICE be heard.  While contacting them share your personal testimonies how the program has affected you and your child or the betterment for ALL children receiving the best education to be successful in kindergarten.

1 comment:

  1. Check out this article from WRAL on NC pre-k program using federal funds. Let's keep our eyes open to see what happens????
