Friday, July 12, 2013

Inspiring beginning teachers through mentoring

During the summer, various media outlets are sharing information on the turnover rate of beginning teachers not staying the field of education after their first year.  Therefore, this article will look into ways to inspire beginning teachers to remain in the field more than one year through the process of mentoring. 

There are five mentoring standards that are highlighted in the slideshow when seeking individuals to serve in that role.  In addition, the slide show will depict some attributes that should be demonstrated for mentors.  Here are some activities to build a productive working relationship between teacher-mentor to provide the best high-quality education for students.

A.      Conduct a Getting-to-Know-You meeting discussing various means of communicating;

B.      Review teacher’s self- assessment and Professional Development Plan (PDP) to ensuring assisting toward meeting goals for school year;

C.      Share newsletter and/or tip sheets on specific components;

D.      Conduct on-site observations to assist with needed areas of concern;

E.       Provide consultative services;

F.       Videotaping practices and providing feedback;

G.     Identify appropriate professional development resources (Professional Learning Community), conferences, workshops to support needs; and

H.      Identify local community resources/agencies that support children/families.

Once, the potential mentor has agreed to serve in this role and reviewed the Standards that are used to assess the teacher’s effectiveness on the job seeking best ways to serve the assigned teacher(s).  Below are some ways to ensure the teachers are at least at the proficient level on the Standard rubric.

1.       Assist in developing the skills that would enable him/her to communicate effectively within collaborative settings and develop positive working relationships;

2.       Provide resources on best practices with a primary focus on student learning;

3.       Provide strategies for effective communication with students individually and collective;

4.       Share methods on learning more about students’ individual backgrounds, strengths and needs;

5.       Raise awareness on perspective and cultural inclusiveness as evidenced in the classroom;

6.       Supports the development of home-school communication pan that establishes regular use of tools that promote effective communication with parents/families;

7.       Develop classroom management plan in order to create and maintain a respectful inviting classroom community;

8.       Support in writing and implementing lessons that take into account individual needs of students and promote student success;

9.       Facilitates designing lessons that link the NCSCOS with 21st century skills development;

10.   Provide state and district curriculum resources and assists to determine key concepts;

11.   Supports planning, implementation and assessment efforts;

12.   Models and nurtures continual growth, professional ethics, norms of collaboration, equity and high expectations;

13.   Models need for data to enhance teaching and improve student performance.  Assists in interpreting data gathered from informal and formal assessments and to apply results in planning and making adjustments in instructional delivery;

14.   Supports and focuses coaching efforts on meeting individual needs;

15.   Utilize instructive, collaborative and facilitative approaches to reflect and improve practice; and

16.   Collaborate to conduct classroom observations and gathers general data on practice.  Have reflective conversations regarding knowledge gained from the data.

As the mentor-teacher continue to build upon a respectful working relationship the lines are communication are open to ensure all needs are met being able to transition from theoretical knowledge is practical implementation.  The mentor will utilize the above activities/strategies assisting the teacher to instruct students in high-quality educational settings.

1 comment:

  1. If you are interested in the slideshow email and I'll forward. Wasn't sure how to post:(!
