Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It is time to Rally4Babies - July 8th

It is important to gain an understanding of culturally developmentally age appropriate practices for babies.  A Rally4Babies will be held on July 8th from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (EST) to start an enlightening conversation across the country that will highlight important facts and strategies toward early learning starting at birth and adult caregivers can do ensuring productive citizens in adulthood.   The National Association for the Education of Young Children  is co-sponsoring this virtual event with Zero To Three, Strong Start for Children coalition and others who advocate for young children. 

Some of the people that are scheduled on the virtual event are US Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Actress Jennifer Garner, popular children’s musician Laurie Berner and the important one will be you who are working directly with young children on a day-to-day basis.  Remember to spread the word so more people will be informed to continue to ADVOCATE the best high-quality education learning environments.  Share the word about the event through your social media connects using the hashtag #Rally4Babies. 

You may join the virtual rally that will be hosted online at Google+ Hangout on air at .  But if you cannot join through Google+, the event will be streamed live on YouTube by searching “Rally4Babies”.  Also, you can sign-up for updates and other information at , that includes a petition urging the Administration and Congress to increase investments in early childhood education for babies and toddlers (ages 0 to 3). 

If you are unable to access the virtual rally but still seeking information on infant and toddler age children, view “First 2000 Days” with information on 2000 days between the time a baby is born and when they enter the first day of kindergarten.  Research has shown that the first three years are the most crucial for laying foundation with developmental skills (e.g., social, emotional, language, cognitive) that is needed for academic and workplace success.  Remember, we want our children to be ready for school, to graduate from high school and becoming productive citizens in a global society.  The key to education is particularly the first three years so join the virtual rally to advocate for the best quality lives as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Listened to the virtual Rally4Babies and some key points were the need for home visitors to model culturally age developmentally appropriate practices, advocate to stakeholders the importance for early childhood education for children 0-3 and present parenting classes. Overall, the panelists were passionate about the topic and I'm glad to see more people are speaking out.
