Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ask Dr. BKW: How to provide ideas improving children's learning?

As an educator you are a life-long learner and must stay abreast of new and/or modified techniques and/or strategies for children, their families, colleagues and the community at-large.  It is important to seek out scholarly and non-scholarly journals and/or magazines.  However, this article will reference accessing non-scholarly journals and/or magazines for you the educator.

Here are some resources one can investigate for day-to-day ideas to improve children’s learning.

1.      Go to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) website, click “Publications”, and click “Teaching Young Children” to view article topics of current and past issues.  Select the article topic(s) that you need more insight on such as (a) Preschoolers Take Tech Outdoors, (b) 10X:  “Good Job” Alternative, (c) 10X Family-Friendly Practices and (d) Circle Time Puppets:  Teaching Social Skills.  Read the article, discuss with co-teacher on how it can be implemented with or without modification in your learning environment.  Also, the article(s) and experience(s) can be shared at professional learning community and/or staff meeting ensuring all children receive a high-quality education.

2.      Visit your local library to obtain free parenting magazines such as Parent Today.  These articles can be used when parents approach you on different parenting issues as a resource.  Remember to ask for updates on the issue and resolution at the end.  NOTE:  Record this assistance in the child’s portfolio documenting assistance then note if changes in behavior occur in the classroom.

3.      Use the Internet to Google search different topics but be mindful all information posted may not be accurate nor beneficial. You must do your homework to fact check information before sharing as is, with modification, strategies for children, their families, colleagues and community at-large.

4.      Create a file either electronically or hardcopy of all articles retrieved, reflection on how information was used and with whom.  This is a resource for the future if and when the topic(s) arise to assist in the classroom, with parents, with colleagues and/or the community at-large.

There is no one way to instruct learning for all children due to various learning styles in the classroom; therefore, the teacher must continue to resource multiples alternatives to share content taught.  Always double-check resources for accuracy and factual information before implementing and sharing.  Remember, one strong key to improve children’s learning is to reflect on articles, summarize content, actions taken (modification, if any) and results.  Reading is fundamental as one must read latest articles for implementation toward improving children’s learning.

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