Sunday, April 14, 2013

Celebration the Week of the Young Child April 14-20

The Week of the Young Child (WOYC) is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).  During this week early childhood education programs, individuals and advocate organizations will focus on bringing public attention to the needs of your children and their families.  The theme for the celebration awareness is “Early Years Are Learning Years”, remember children learn everything in the first five years needed that will be built upon as they continue to grow and mature into adulthood. 

If you would like to assist with this awareness but cannot think of what to do then just select one or more of these activities.  Contact local child care facilities and ask to read stories to the children (remember to ask for book titles and practice before reading to children).  Ask local child care facility what events they have planned and how you can volunteer.  If you attend special events (e.g., church, civic organizations) ask leaders to give recognition to children, families and those who work for or with young children highlighting the importance of educating our youngest citizens.  Conduct a brown-bag lunch gathering to inform colleagues of the week and why it is important to share what young children are gaining from being in structured facilities and those who work with them.  In addition, share with the group how they can help to make these learning years more effective for the lives of children in the communities they live in.

Hopefully, the activities have given you some ways to celebrate and bring awareness for WOYC.  Remember, knowledge is powerful.


  1. Oh, this has been an amazing week sharing stories with preschool age children. I would to stress that if you cannot read this week any time your schedule allows set up date/time (remember to practice). Here's a list of the books I've read (1) Caps for Sale, (2) Love You Forever, (3) Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming, (4) Something Beautiful and (5) Flowers for Mommy. I have incorporated singing, sign language, emotions, voice variations, Spanish and ones they have come up with. Yes, I have thoroughly enjoyed my contribution to bringing awareness to WOYC.

  2. Today is the last day that I will read stories to preschool age children and I have enjoyed the time more so than the children (I think). I will end by reading "Flowers for Mommy" with hopes the weather will cooperate so we can go outside look at the clouds to share what we see like the storyline. Remember, reading is fundamental and needed to share a love for written print at early ages.
