Thursday, April 18, 2013

Send Thank You Letters to President Obama

Mail letters and drawing with dictations by the children on your letter that will be delivered to the White House. NAEYC needs all letters by April 29 sent to NAEYC - Attn. Kayleigh Rogers-Torres, NAEYC 1313 L St. NW, Washington DC, 20005. The letters will be collected than sent directly to the White House following security protocols.
Here are some suggestions.
  1. Work with the children and families at your site to draw and sign your letter as a reminder and thanks for the impact President's Obama proposal will have.
  2. If you cannot send children's artwork still send your letter.
  3. On the artwork include center's name, city, state and child's age. 
For more information contact Kayleigh Rogers-Torres at 202-350-8840 or via email at
Here is a sample letter that is from NAEYC ( website to guide your writing thoughts. 
 Dear President Obama,

As a [TEACHER, DIRECTOR, PARENT, etc.] I want to thank you for offering a comprehensive birth through prekindergarten plan and significant funding in your proposed budget.
I know the value of high-quality early childhood programs. Your plan would help us serve more children in high-quality, comprehensive programs for children starting at birth and each age as a child grows up. Too many children lack the early development and learning support they need and deserve. Too many families cannot afford the programs that let them work and that nurture their young children.

I applaud you for making early childhood education a priority for your Administration and the country. Thank you again for your leadership. By working together, I know that we’ll help ensure that every child enters school ready to succeed and with positive skills that will be valuable throughout his or her life.

Remember we must ADVOCATE for our youngest citizens who are not able to vote for acts reflective their lives.


  1. Please help me get the word out on this cause for the best quality early care programs/services. Knowledge is powerful!

  2. I am excited that three of my former students (pre-k teachers) are writing letters and sending children's artwork with dictations. Yes, it is great to see they are ADVOCACY for children/families with me. I strongly ask that you send a letter with or without artwork and share with your friends. It's our role to ADVOCATE for the youngest citizen who cannot vote.
